Musty Smells Out of Furniture

Odor Eliminator

How to Get Musty Smells Out of Furniture

Do you shop at yard sales or auctions like I do and often need to know how to get musty smell off of furniture, records or books or you won’t take them home? It’s a great deal. It’s an unusual piece, you really want it, but boy does it stink! Stop holding your breath and hating being in your own home! Discover how to get rid of musty smells on your furniture and other belongings now!

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AQM will completely eliminate the musty smell

It will eliminate the musty smell, smoke smell, body odor, mothball smell, even allergens in the air from pets or dustmites. The roots in the wood from mold or mildew will be oxidized and not come back. AQM is an oxidizer – (add oxygen and eliminate). It will oxidize: musty smells, burned food smells, smoke, cooking odors, tobacco smoke, mold and mildew odor, mothball odor, dust mites, and many others. in as little as 48 hours. And, if you continue to smoke or your dog continues to lay on the carpet and furniture with you this tiny pack of powder will oxidize the additional odor for up to 30 days. No Kidding!

Is getting rid of musty smells in my furniture really this easy?

Actually it is. And if you’re thinking, my buddy owns an ozone machine. He can do it for me…for free. BAD IDEA. And ozone machine is dangerous and our AQM packets – when you follow our instructions – are not dangerous, easier and you can be in the room while they work. Plus the odors will not come back.

You’ve already painted to get musty smell out of furniture

That’s ok! The great part is, if you have already painted your vintage piece and do like the outcome except for the smell has come back, these miracle packets will still oxidize the odor THROUGH the paint. The process is exactly the same. It will just take longer. Four to five weeks to eliminate the smell instead of 4-5 days. The AQM will not harm the paint, the furniture, you or anything else in the room. It is your one stop product for odors of many kinds! Get yours now and breathe easier right away.

OdorXit Products

Use OdorXit AQM And MOMS To Eliminate Musty Odors

rtu eliminator
OdorXit AQM
rtu eliminator
OdorXit MOMS
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